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Three Reasons To Avoid Probate

Written by Ball Morse Lowe | September 7, 2023

Top 3 Reasons to Avoid Probate in Oklahoma

When you pass away, your family might have to go through a probate process to claim their inheritance, especially if you own assets solely in your name without beneficiary or transfer-on-death designations. While having a will is a good start, it doesn't avoid probate; it simply informs the court of your wishes, requiring your loved ones to navigate the probate process to make them legally binding.

Now, let's dig into why you'd want to avoid probate:

1. It's All Public Record.

Probate makes everything public, meaning your financial and family details can become accessible to anyone. While sensitive information like account numbers and Social Security numbers usually stays private, details like your asset values, creditor claims, beneficiaries' identities, contact info for your loved ones, and even family disputes can become public. Most folks prefer privacy, making it a good reason to bypass probate.

2. It Can Be Expensive.

Probate isn't cheap, thanks to court fees, attorney costs, executor fees, and more. For even modest estates, these expenses can easily add up to thousands of dollars. If family conflicts or creditor claims arise, costs can skyrocket into the tens of thousands. Instead of your loved ones benefiting, a significant chunk of your assets might end up covering legal fees and court expenses.

3. It Takes Time

Probate is not a speedy process. Depending on your state and the complexity of your assets, it can take six months to a year or longer. During this time, your beneficiaries might face difficulties accessing the inheritance you intended for them. This delay can be especially tough on loved ones facing hardship who could benefit from a quicker process, like living trust administration.

An Estate Plan Can Save You From Probate 

If you own property in multiple states, you'll have to go through probate separately in each state, further consuming time and money. Fortunately, trust-centered estate planning offers a solution, enabling you to avoid probate in all states, simplify asset transfer, and provide long-term tax benefits and asset protection for your family. To get a clear understanding of your options, reach out to us for an appointment with one of our experienced attorneys who can help you strategize effectively. Don't wait; it's a crucial step in securing your family's financial future.

Trust-centered estate planning offers several significant benefits:

  1. Probate Avoidance: One of the primary advantages is the ability to bypass probate in all states where you hold property. This means your assets can be transferred to your beneficiaries without the time-consuming and costly probate process.

  2. Simplified Asset Transfer: Trusts provide a streamlined mechanism for transferring assets to your chosen recipients. It eliminates the need for court involvement, making the process faster and more efficient.

  3. Tax Benefits: Properly structured trusts can offer long-term tax benefits. They can help reduce or eliminate estate taxes, ensuring that more of your wealth goes to your loved ones rather than to the government.

  4. Asset Protection: Certain types of trusts, such as irrevocable trusts, can provide asset protection. They shield your assets from creditors and legal claims, helping to preserve your legacy for your family.

  5. Privacy: Unlike probate, which is a public process, trusts offer a higher level of privacy. The details of your estate and beneficiaries remain confidential, protecting your family's financial affairs from public scrutiny.

  6. Efficient Decision-Making: Trusts often include provisions for the management of your financial and medical affairs in case you become incapacitated. This ensures that trusted individuals can make important decisions on your behalf without the need for court intervention.

  7. Family Harmony: By specifying your wishes and distributing assets according to your plan, you can reduce the potential for family conflicts and disputes, promoting harmony among your beneficiaries.

In summary, trust-centered estate planning provides a comprehensive and effective strategy for managing your assets, reducing taxes, protecting your assets, and ensuring a smooth and private transfer of wealth to your family. Consulting with an experienced attorney is crucial to tailor a plan that meets your specific needs and goals. Don't delay, as taking these steps is vital in securing your family's financial future. Set up a consultation today to discuss your estate plan at 405.701.5355 or email